Part of the M O’Brien Group, Ashvale Haulage of St. Albans has recently put into service ten new Thompsons – bodied ’20 reg’ tippers. Purchased primarily for working in London and on motorways, the new trucks have been built to ‘N3’ on-road specification, thereby combining the highest levels of performance with optimum safety and road-friendliness to the wider urban road user environment.
Whatever Ashvale’s tipper applications, on-road or off, the new trucks continue the company’s long – standing policy of making Thompsons’ all – steel Loadmaster Lite body the central component in its tipper specifications. Now mounted on Scania’s latest XT chassis, the ever – popular Loadmaster Lite is a single – skinned body design that offers the optimal balance between strength, durability and high carrying capacity. As a result, Loadmaster Lite is entirely suitable for the whole range of Ashvale’s tipper tasks whether carrying stone, aggregates, recycled materials, muckaway or rubble and demolition.
Ashvale Haulage’s managing director James O’ Donnell. says:
“For our needs, Loadmaster Lite is simply an unbeatable tipper body. We never need to think that there’s any job above what a Loadmaster can safely handle, so in that sense it’s a supremely versatile, universal solution for each and every requirement that comes along. We also spec our bodies with Thompsons air – operated automatic tailgates, which not only provide real a safety bonus by allowing the drivers to stay inside their cabs but also speeds up the whole tipping process as well.”
The obvious visual features of the N3 specification include a reduced ground clearance over typical off-road (N3G) tippers as well as the rear wheels having four individual mudguards for maximum spray suppression. The new trucks are also fully compliant with the latest Direct Vision requirements shortly coming into force.
Ashvale’s latest tippers also continue the company’s policy of fitting HARSH high stability underfloor tipping gears.
James adds:
“Unlike a front end gear, the HARSH underfloor design has an additional stability frame that keeps the body firmly in line with the chassis when tipping, as a result, the truck is much more stable when the body is raised – a key safety factor when tipping on soft or uneven ground. Axle loads are also optimised with underfloor gears as the body can be brought that bit further forward into the space where a front end tipping gear would be. ”
Providing a complete range of haulage, transport and earthworks services, Ashvale firmly believes that operating top – spec trucks pays real dividends. Now operating some 60 tippers, Ashvale is accredited to the highest FORS Gold standard with all its vehicles also finished to full Crossrail and Chapter 8 signage specifications.
As well as having an extensive ‘Zero Harm’ operating policy, Ashvale also provides regular in – house training for its drivers.
With all 10 of the recently delivered tippers now hard at work, Ashvale has already ordered another 20 similar trucks for delivery towards the end of this year.
Speaking for Thompsons, Joint Managing Director Scott Burton says:
“Our sincere thanks to James and the team at Ashvale for once again choosing Loadmaster for their latest 10 tippers. Achieving significant repeat business like this is the very essence of what Thompsons is all about, and is hence a true reflection of the quality of both our products and our people.
As one of the leading tipper operators in the South East, we look forward to working closely with Ashvale for many years to come.”