Thompsons is now delivering the last two examples of a total order for 20 new tippers placed by Mitcham – based George Killoughery Ltd, one of the longest – standing and highly renowned construction services companies operating in London and the Home Counties.
Looking super-smart in their attractive company livery, the new tippers are the latest examples of a particularly strong relationship between Killoughery and Thompsons that goes back almost half a century. Founded in County Clare, Ireland, by George and Mary Killoughery way back in 1965, the company started up with a single six wheeler before buying its first Thompsons tipper in the early 1970’s.
Bulit on Scania XT chassis, the new tipper bodies are all-steel Loadmaster Lites, which is not just the best-selling model for Thompsons but continues its position as the most popular tipper body right across the UK.
George Killoughery, namesake and grandson of the company founder says:
“For multi-purpose work such as ours, Loadmaster Lite is absolutely ideal. Its beauty is in its very simplicity, allied to a standard of build and attention to detail that is unsurpassed in the industry. These qualities give Loadmaster Lite a real performance edge, particularly in terms of long term reliability and durability where the bodies might be carrying everything from demolition spoil and recyclables to sand and aggregates. For us, having this type of everyday versatility in our tippers is an absolute must. And with an easy 19 tonnes plus payload, Loadmaster Lite really is the tipper body for all uses and all seasons.”
Itself over 25 years old, the Thompsons Loadmaster has continually evolved over the last quarter century, with the Lite model now pre-eminent and selling well over 1,000 examples per year. Built in Hardox steel with a single piece floor and sides, steadily improving material quality results in an advanced body design that combines light weight with real strength and minimal upkeep costs – the formula that every tipper operator really wants. Lifting the bodies high on their Scania chassis are Binotto separate ram and tank front end hoists, thereby completing a top-level tipper specification.
From those simple beginnings, Killoughery has come far; today’s company now operates from three strategically located depots ranging from the company HQ at Mitcham to the north bank of the Thames at Purfleet with the third situated south of the river at Swanley.
The tipper fleet, now accredited to both the FORS Silver standard and the London Road Safety Scheme, runs to over 50 standard 8x4s supported by a smaller batch of tipper grabs.
Speaking for Thompsons from the company’s HQ in Croydon, joint managing director Scott Burton says
“This is a business relationship that goes back very many years, and we are naturally delighted to have been chosen again by George and his team to deliver the latest batch of Killoughery tippers. With some of our own roots firmly planted in the Emerald Isle, Thompsons is always particularly keen to offer our Irish – related customers the very highest levels of product quality and customer service. We wish them all every success in these challenging times.”