Employing its tippers on a wide portfolio of duties including site clearance and muckaway, the Essex – based JKS Group considers Thompsons’ curved floor Multimaster to be the ideal tipper body to handle the widest range of its ever – increasing workload. So much so that eight new Multimaster – bodied Scania XTs have just joined the JKS fleet.
Company owner Jeremy Suttling says:
“The principal benefit of the curved floor is that discharging wet or sticky loads such as clay and topsoil is that much easier because the product can’t stick in the join areas between the vertical bodysides and the horizontal floor of a conventional tipper. The tipping operation is therefore that bit quicker and more efficient, whilst also reducing the need to shunt the vehicle back and forth to shake out any residue. Traditionally we’ve long been a Thompsons customer, but for our current needs Multimaster is the perfect solution.”
Built in steel with air operated tailgates, JKS’ Multimasters are not only the ideal body for muckaway work but also easily strong enough to handle arduous site work carrying everything from bricks to big lumps of concrete and other materials for recycling. Mounted on Scania XT chassis, their unladen weight is some 12.6 tonnes resulting in a highly competitive payload capacity of 19,400kgs which perfectly suits JKS’ combined need for strength, durability and productivity.
Based in Rochford, just north of Southend, the JKS Group is actively involved in aggregates, civil engineering, plant hire, earthworks, demolition, haulage and recycling. As such, its 36 – strong truck fleet includes everything from standard front end tippers to tipper grabs and 44 tonnes artics.
Looking after the fleet on a daily basis, JKS director Jamie Crocker says
“our standards of professionalism and customer service absolutely depend on us delivering a reliable, high quality and cost-effective package for whatever the client requires. To do this, we need premium, top-spec vehicles that can handle any job and these latest eight Thompsons tippers certainly give us that.
The Thompsons / Scania combination not only gives us a great tipper specification, but these are the trucks that our drivers want to have as well. When drivers are in short supply, that’s very important too.”